WK4 Professionalism: RISE Self-Reflection
Dread of being in front of the camera has more often than not resulted in me procrastinating until the day that the project is due. I...

Week 4 Synthesis: Curating Through MCBS
When planning for our wedding (18 years ago), my husband and I thought it would be a fabulous idea to have our guests take photos using...

WK4 Exploration: RISE Peer Review
Reinvention and reevaluation is a vital ability not only in today’s workforce, but also into the foreseeable future. I too am in the...

WK3 Project: Digital Storytelling Challenge
For our first team meeting, we had planned on meeting via conference call. However, Taurean Durrette suggested using Google Hangouts. ...

Week 3 Analysis: Businesses & Audiovisual Media
The Full Sail video is designed to recruit creative students who want to immerse themselves in the tools and techniques used by their...

WK2 Analysis: Brands & The Human Connection
Women from their teens to their 40s face unrealistic and unachievable ideas about beauty. This is the result of media portrayal of women...

Further Adventure in Media Communications
After a great deal of introspective deliberation and a strong desire to bridge my personal interest in media communication with my...