My Keto Journey
Becoming obese does not happen overnight. Returning to a normal weight will not happen overnight either. After high school and into early...

My Keto Journey
It is funny to see yourself day after day and not notice the changes, but now looking at these photos side by side I definitely see the...

Pursuing a Dream . . .
Be realistic. Do you know how many job listings there are for what you want? Have you considered the medical field? You are too young to...

Taking Stock of Strengths
One of the traditional questions asked in an interview is, “What are your strengths?” This is a question that can be a bit challenging,...

I was recently told that I was "too old to keep starting over at whatever it is I want to do." I think the ability to do that, is part of...

This photo was taken shortly after beginning my Keto journey. I am at far right with my cousins. My husband has teased me that my...

Integrative Learning: Portfolio Revisions & Strategy
A portfolio is a constantly evolving gallery of projects showcasing the works of an artist. It tells a story, often in various media. In...

Tailoring my Resume
Using ATS to screen applicants is a common practice for employers. Jobscan is a tool for applicants to get through that screening...

Integrative Learning: Scanning Your Resume
Recruiters receive hundreds of applications for a small number of open positions. In order to sift through the "hay" to find the right...

LinkedIn to Link Up
My LinkedIn Profile After completing two Lynda.com courses (Learning LinkedIn by Oliver Schinkten and Personal Branding on Social Media...