Pursuing a Dream . . .

Be realistic.
Do you know how many job listings there are for what you want?
Have you considered the medical field?
You are too young to pursue that!
You are too old to change careers.
How many times have well-meaning friends and relatives put up these obstacles and road blocks in my life? I tried to accommodate or appease, but I still felt the same way I have always felt. I believe that my passions, skills, education, and drive keep propelling me back to the same path. I received a well-intentioned letter from a relative who was attempting to help me put my nose back in the same old corner, but I am determined to one-day frame it and display it as a badge of honor. By paying attention to all of the distractions and diversions, I have moved farther away from my dreams.
I decided to do something about it and focus on the path of my own choosing. I went back to school and completed my Bachelor’s degree. Throughout my work experience, I took every opportunity I could find to incorporate my dreams into my daily grind. I have experience, drive, skills, and tenacity. I have sacrificed my dreams on the altar of reality too many times. It is time to take my future into my own hands.