Further Adventure in Media Communications

After a great deal of introspective deliberation and a strong desire to bridge my personal interest in media communication with my professional career aspirations, I decided to return to college and work toward earning my Bachelor of Science degree. I have reached a point in my career where moving forward requires a degree, and I plan on moving forward. From a young age, I have been driven to learn everything I could about music, recording, and media. Research, along with trial and error is a great way to learn, but sometimes a more formal approach is needed. While in high school and college, I had the opportunity to train in radio broadcasting and recording, and produced several audio projects. Although I loved working in creative industries, the pay lead me to seek far more traditional jobs in order to meet my living expenses. I sought out every possible chance to use my creativity and technical skills, whether that chance was volunteering in the community, or creating projects for an employer that would other wise be impossible without an adequate budget. While working at a managed mental health care facility, I used my experience to write, voice over, and record content for a music on hold system as a side project. As a Program Coordinator for a non-profit, I wrote public service announcements, press releases, grant proposals, and articles that were published in newspapers, newsletters, and radio stations. While working with grant programs in county government, our WIC program wanted to create peer-to-peer breastfeeding support videos, so I created four videos with no budget that are still being watched by WIC clients. I also created numerous brochures, flyers, PowerPoint presentations and other publications that were used as marketing materials for our outreach activities. Each of these opportunities instilled in me a desire to go further in Media Communications and the online program offered through Full Sail will help me to achieve my goals and prepare me for a career that is more closely aligned to my personal interests.
Creativity can be fostered in almost every industry, but employers can sometimes be intimidated by a creative employee if they feel the position doesn’t lend itself to it. The creative mind is uninhibited by methodical and repetitive work, and can seek solutions that might not otherwise be explored. Whether a position is primarily focused on data entry or flipping burgers, the abilities to use communication effectively and to creatively solve problems can take business farther than they thought possible. A high school diploma, creativity, and ongoing learning only go so far, by furthering my college education and earning a degree, I will be able to move toward the next level.