SEO and Online Marketing

Identify 3 points of interest from the lessons - What did you learn? What topic(s) would you like to know more about and why?
When planning your time on an online marketing strategy you should plan on spending at least one hour a day working on social media. This would include creating content, posting content, and responding to posts.
Online marketing is expensive, cutting corners on this aspect of marketing can be disastrous. When creating your strategy keep in mind the costs of having copy written in house or by a professional copywriter. Research SEO professionals, make sure that they have experience working on the type of project you are launching, and consider their reviews and results.
Content marketing includes blogging and other media forms. Content marketing should be authoritative and knowledgeable.
One of the topics I would be more interested in is AdWords, in several job listings I have seen this as a requirement. This is something I will research further including taking additional courses on the subject.
What is your strategy to improve content optimization for your website?
One of the main issues of content optimization for the site is that previously there was no way for potential customers to reach my client. Making sure that there is a way for customers to reach the client via phone and email is vital. Also discussing with my client the possibility of including a form for customers to be able to ask questions regarding potential projects via a form would be helpful. My client also had one of his songs featured on the original site with the lyrics posted. Perhaps that might be a way to help with ` audio file and if customer is interested to the complete song and lyric sheet. My client is averse to blogging, so incorporating text is a bit challenging.
Explain in 3-4 sentences your plan to implement online marketing efforts for your website? (Next Steps)
I am particularly interested in using a service like Mail Chimp to reach out regularly to customers with updates. I think this can be a very valuable tool. Incorporating an interest form for site visitors interested in music composition or sound design services to build up a contact list would be very helpful in this regard. My client’s website previously has been used only as a requirement for his MPBS classes. Strategizing with my client on his use of social media and connecting this along with website data can help him going forward with his online marketing strategy.