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Piecing it All Together

I really had not given much thought to content marketing versus journalism in my projects before taking this class. I like the idea of working in content marketing with a “journalism” style. I am very interested in marketing and public relations and that is one of the main reasons I was so drawn to the media communications degree. I had looked into journalism, but the media communication program really pulls all my passions together with more flexibility than journalism could. I enjoy writing and media production and the idea of promoting a company, product, or organization. Before starting the program I really had not explored the video realm. When my husband and I had produced video content in the past, I really left the editing and shooting to him. Video has been such an integral part of the Media Communications program and I have really immersed myself into it. I have really enjoyed using my audio editing and taking it to the next level with video editing.

I am feeling better about the video after a few more tweaks. One of the scenes that I really hated to cut was a bit of solar flare on Zeph’s ring while driving when he mentioned he wanted to go into acting. I have added this back in. I really struggle with subtlety and I really liked this little touch of it. One of the gifts of non-destructive editing is the ability to put something back that was previously cut. I cut another scene that I loved previously and don’t feel nearly as bad about it as the ring cut. When he mentions that he is “a little bit nervous, but also extremely excited” about going into college, I used a scene where he is walking toward college and tenuously turns around before walking on. I extended the acting in the park and used the turn and walk for the same line and it works much better and shows more emotion in Zeph’s face.

I really liked the idea of switching the “so many interests” and seeing how other skills can be put to use. I think the transitions worked so much better with this one little switch. I tightened the shot a bit when Zeph talks about the careers he would like to go into. I really hated the overhead light and now it is gone. I also like how the tighter shot helps to focus the attention on the expressions of Zeph and his audience volunteer. The video is not the best quality, but I do like it much better closer. I also liked the transition with Zeph in the mirror and the Fine Arts director exiting back stage to the man coming off the scaffolding. I think it worked much better with that brief extension of the scene.

For the final scene I wanted the images to speak for themselves instead of adding a dialogue blurb at the end. I added a scene from high school graduation and put the award scene at the end. I think I like that because it leaves the next steps to the audience’s imagination. Much like a “happily ever after.” I also liked the fade to black there. I am amazed at how eliminating the cross dissolves and fade to blacks throughout really made a difference. They truly were not needed and the cuts worked much better without them. Using the video transitions much more sparingly and where they make sense is really much more effective.

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