Using SMART Goals to Stay on Track

Throughout my Media Communications Bachelor of Science program at Full Sail University there are seven class sessions designed to help students with developing their portfolio and planning for their career. Currently, I am enrolled in one of these courses. This month's focus is on further developing my portfolio and updating and revising my resume. In any career strategy, it is important to create and complete goals to maintain focus. This month I created three SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based) goals for myself. So far this month I have made significant progress to achieve all three of these goals.
My first goal was to apply for a Publicity Internship at Pixar. To accomplish this, I completed the Effective Resume course, sought out feedback from my instructor, and created a unified theme for my personal branding materials. I completed an updated resume and cover letter and submitted these along with my resume for the position. I also used the same design and updated my resume on my Portfolio Resume Page.
My second goal is to implement stronger brand identity in my Portfolio website. I removed all remnants of my former brand Mozepy Productions, implemented the theme of horizons, designed a new text based logo, and consistently applied fonts throughout the site. My moodboard includes my main colors of blue and yellow, along with an orange accent colors. I used this to consistently apply the colors. Of course this is an ongoing process but with the updated logo, themes, and fonts, I am much happier with my site. I am continuing to work on the logo with additional feedback from the instructor.
My third goal is to complete three Lynda courses that I had previously started. I have so far completed the Premier Pro CC Essential Training. I am now working on completing Introduction to Graphic Design and Audition CC Essential Training. I have been integrating what I am learning into my projects and portfolio website. With two of my SMART goals completed and one remaining I am well on my way to completing all three.
In the midst of school, work, and family obligations, sometimes I find myself feeling overwhelmed. Setting and completing goals helps with a feeling of accomplishment. I find that if I just plow through the work, at the end of the day I can’t see much progress. But when I set goals for myself and realize how much I have accomplished I don’t feel so overwhelmed.